
MPH Masters of Public Health, King’s College London, UK

Teaching visit at Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing

Courses & Tutorials

I am in the process of creating an R online course as well as one for deep-learning. More on that, soon!
In the meantime you can find materials related to tutorials I have presented on my Github.

I also have an R book in manuscript form that I plan to publish sometime this year.

King’s College London

Fall 2017:
Masters of Public Health Tutorials
R in Medical Reseaech Tutorials
Statistics I Teaching assistant

University of York

MSc in Cyber-Security Asssociate Lecturer

2011 - 2015
HACS: Human Aspects of Computer Science (BSc level)
HACS-RS: Human Aspects of Computer Science, Reading Seminars (BSc level)
UCDE: User-Centered Design (MSc level)
REQE: Requirements-Engineering (MSc)
NSTC: Non-Standard Computation (MSc)
TPOP: Theory and Practice of Programming (MSc)
COMP: Project: Computer Science Projects (MSc/BSc)
COMP-W: Computer Science Writing (MSc/BSc)
SYAC: Systems Software and Compilers (BSc)
SWEN: Software Engineering (MSc)
AI: Artificial Intelligence (BSc)
GPSM: Group Project Software Management (MSc)

The Mount School York

German Language Teacher

Deggendorf Institute of Technology

PROLOG programming and knowledge-based systems evaluation Instructor
KNNS artificial intelligence & neuronal network software simulator Lab Assistant

Prof. Fischer’s Software-tool laboratory Lab Instructor
SAP/R3 ABAP programming Tutor and teaching content writer